Awutu Senya District Assembly - Ghana
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Awutu Senya District Assembly
P. O. Box 4 Ewutu Breku Central Region, Ghana
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Questions & Answers
Please where is the district office for Awutu senya west located?
What is your district education officers doing about the noise from the during classes time .
As I write now its almost 8:30 am and the information center is blowing at full height as this pupils are learning.
The head teacher don't seems to have any control over it. Who is in charge here?
Please help this poor pupils who are to write the BECE soon.
As I write now its almost 8:30 am and the information center is blowing at full height as this pupils are learning.
The head teacher don't seems to have any control over it. Who is in charge here?
Please help this poor pupils who are to write the BECE soon.
My dad has a land at Papase No.2. please how do we get a building permit. please the procedure.
Also if the land is at Papase No.1 how do we get the permit too
Also if the land is at Papase No.1 how do we get the permit too
Verified Business
The accuracy of the company profile for Awutu Senya District Assembly is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator.
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