Peace FM Online - Accra, Ghana
Leading radio station promoting peace and unity.
Peace FM Online
1 Review
Peace FM OnlineMile 7 Junction, North Achimota +233 (0)302-257903
- Verified
Company name
Peace FM Online
Mile 7 Junction, North Achimota, Accra, Ghana
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Company description
More than just a traditional broadcaster, Peace FM is today evolving into a content company, the home of Ghana's Most Popular programming and a multimedia leader with a solid presence in the country.
The station delivers services to all Ghanaians on platforms ranging from news, online radio and audio on demand.
The station delivers services to all Ghanaians on platforms ranging from news, online radio and audio on demand.
Listed in categories
Peace FM OnlineMile 7 Junction, North Achimota +233 (0)302-257903
Illegal mining And water pollution
Please there is a particular village in Western Region, Name wassa Akyempim-Kubekor.
The rise in illegal mining has become increasingly popular as a result polluting water bodies and destruction of farm lands.
Please kindly put fear in them this afternoon 12:00 news for them to put a stop to it.
Thank You
The rise in illegal mining has become increasingly popular as a result polluting water bodies and destruction of farm lands.
Please kindly put fear in them this afternoon 12:00 news for them to put a stop to it.
Thank You
Questions & Answers
I want to find out which number are they using to predict Ghana vs Nigeria match?
Please Is waec going to wrong us with their mistakes on this year English novdec on the objectives they should check the English objectives well
Good morning kwame
please are they still selling the cutlass and knifes at the roadside? i want to ask if IGP has travel
hmmm Ghana
please are they still selling the cutlass and knifes at the roadside? i want to ask if IGP has travel
hmmm Ghana
Pls can I get the number of your your central region correspondent pls it a big issue and matter of life
Can I please get the number of your reporter in the central region of Ghana around Kasoa?
Please can I get the wasup line of peace and UTV
Who was the childhood friend of Dr Osei Kwame
When is the Electoral commission going to pay those of who helped in the District Assembly Elections?
So what is the ministry of education doing about the e learning implementation in the tertiary sector?
What is of government of Ghana doing about the first allied else?
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