Manya Krobo Senior High School - Ghana
Quality education fostering holistic student development.
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School name
Manya Krobo Senior High School
Odumase-Krobo, Odumase-Krobo, Ghana
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Establishment year 1927
Company description
Manya Krobo Senior High School (MKSHS) is an all-girls accredited school located in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Established in 1977, MKSHS is a top-tier educational institution that offers quality education to its students. MKSHS strives to provide a unique learning environment that is conducive to learning, encourages the growth of social and moral values, and provides a platform to nurture and develop the potential of each student. With a student population of over 200, MKSHS has a diverse and vibrant student body that comes from all over the country.
The school offers a wide range of courses in areas such as science, mathematics, English, social studies, and the arts. Apart from the core academic curriculum, MKSHS also provides extracurricular activities such as sports and music.
The school also has a strong commitment to the community and is actively involved in various social initiatives. MKSHS is committed to the development of its students and the community at large. Through various outreach programs and activities, the school strives to empower its students and create a positive impact in the community.
MKSHS is a great place for girls to receive a quality education, develop their skills, and become successful individuals.
The school offers a wide range of courses in areas such as science, mathematics, English, social studies, and the arts. Apart from the core academic curriculum, MKSHS also provides extracurricular activities such as sports and music.
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To ensure that the students get the best education, the school has a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers who are dedicated to providing the best learning experience to the students.The school also has a strong commitment to the community and is actively involved in various social initiatives. MKSHS is committed to the development of its students and the community at large. Through various outreach programs and activities, the school strives to empower its students and create a positive impact in the community.
MKSHS is a great place for girls to receive a quality education, develop their skills, and become successful individuals.
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